The starting problem posted earlier today has been solved! I have three options on how to explain the solution, but only two are really practical! 1 -- relate some made-up, elaborate story about what happened and how I fixed it, and just go with my 300 life like normal... 2 -- (the impractical choice) just simply report the problem as cured without an explanation of the cause or cure (I knew this would bring a flurry of questions as to the nature of the problem and it's ultimate cure, so I ruled this option out) 3 -- tell the truth, and resultingly never show my face at ANY gathering of the 300 Club for the next 10 years... Guess I might as well fess up -- 'cause another problem has risen. The transmission was in gear! Why did I not think of that? It happened a few weeks ago. DUH! Stupid me! At least this episode should (hopefully) prevent it from recurring -- at least for awhile. Now, I have no ignition! The gremlins are determined to keep the car from getting its new exhaust system Monday! Background: when trying to start the car yesterday (in gear, of course), one time when I turned the ignition switch it felt like "something happened" during the movement. Like a small "hitch" in the movement. I can't believe this is a factor, however, as there are 4.5 volts to the coil with the ignition switch on. And, the wipers, etc. all work with the ignition switch in the "ON" position. As I have precious little time between now and 7 AM Monday, I sure could use some help, suggestions, etc. -- is the 4.5 volt current at the coil <about> correct? -- is there a quick and dirty way to check if the coil is discharging current (other than pulling the coil wire out and holding on to it ;-) -- any suggestions, tips, hints, etc.? A frustrating weekend so far -- I'm getting close to the point of desperation... or despair... Mike ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor --------------------~--> Yahoo! Autos. Everything you need to know about buying or selling a car. FREE Quotes, 360° Tours, Research, Blue Book, Compare Vehicles, Buy Used --------------------------------------------------------------------~-> To send a message to this group, send an email to: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx For list server instructions, go to Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: Chrysler300-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:
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