Tom, Buy a polytarp about 12X24. Place on the spot where storing car. Drive car ONTO the tarp. Cover car with breathable cotton cover. Spread mothballs around perimeter of car. Cover exhausts with tin foil and secure with rubber bands. Bring sides of polytarp up and use twine to tie the tarp crisscrossing over car (not too tight). Sprinkle more moth balls around the edges of the tarp as another line of defense. Car will breath and critters can only enter by eating a hole through the smell of mothballs. (Also keeps ground moisture from coming up under cars body. ) Don't forget to have taken battery out and hook up to battery saver that costs about $60 but well worth it over time. (not trickle charger). I've stored 2 cars (not old chryslers) this way in dry dirt floor with concrete walls old chicken houses without a critter yet. Good luck. John CT.