gang, my black vinyl top is really more of a rubber than vinyl. the car's been stored outside, but under a "fabric" carcover. now that it's summer and i'll be using it and not covering it, the "vinyl's" finish has become uneven and (white)-spotted from contact with the sometimes-wet cover fabric. there used to be a paint called Tire Black, which i think would be perfect for bringing this rubber vinyl top back to black and even, but i cannot find the small can i used to have of it. i could not find it at Auto Zone, nor on an internet Google search. with all the products now available for tire "wetting", i would think there'd be something out there to blacken tires, since some tires still become brown-looking, and this would be perfect for that too. does anyone know if Tire Black paint is still made, or if you know of another method? a small can of black Rustoleum tempts me, but listing applications for metal, wood, and masonry, it just might deteriorate rubbber. gary luedtke '63 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]