Hi all; I have had several requests to publish who's coming to the meet. So here's the list of 30 hotel reservations as of 8/9/02: Anderson, Bartuska, Burke, Cox, Cunningham, Dokus, Eaton, Eckert, Fitch, Goodnight, Graham, Hertog, Irish, Kreszock, Lanfer, Lasenby, Leggatt, Mack, McTaggart, Mikonis, Miller, Moon, Pickler, Rayner, Rogers, Spear, Swanson, Wieland, Wiltse. and of course Jones. So, it looks like about 940 members havent reserved yet. We are sure the 30 named above will have a great time, visit with old friends and make some new ones. This list will change markedly by the 20th, as we all tend to wait til the last moment. We hope to see many more members come out and play with us. See ya in Nashville, Ray Jones