Hi All; I'm including a e-mail I received about this fall's meet which may be of interest to all, and my answer: " Sounds great Ray! I'm TRYING to get on the stick myself. I just emailed Gloria and told her I'll cut the check and registration this weekend! Had a question on Concourse judging though. My C coupe was a Frame-Off almost 3 years ago but has been driven about 8-9K miles since and some things are showing wear and tear again, can I still enter mine in concourse to see what I need to fix/correct to get here BACK to true concourse?!- Or is this strict judging merely for the trailer-queen BEAUTIES? Any insight you give would help- don't want to embarass myself! " The cutoff date for reservations at the hotel WAS Aug 12th! Please get them in. The answer to his question on concours is: by all means have it judged. It provides a benchmark for the condition of your car. It might surprise you. If your enjoyment is pampering your beauty and trailering her to the meets for judging and having everything perfect, do it. If you enjoy driving your prize pet, do it. Whichever level you choose to enjoy the hobby, there is no shame in the results. You know going in that it may show wear ond tear, so expect to have the points reflect that. Now here's the secret: YOU asked to have it judged! SO, YOU ARE going to get told what that set of judges found less than perfect. Dudley Finneyfrock preached long ago: Say THANK YOU and go home and after a week or so (and losing the emotions), get out the judging sheet. Look at the item and at the point loss, and see if you agree, if not ignore it and move on. If you see what the judges saw, fix it or note it for later and move to the next item. This will improve your baby, and the judges don't have to hear about it, they are VOLUNTEERS doing what you asked of them! Be nice. Especially if it is a new car for you, have it judged. That'll tell you where to best spend your time to create a outstanding "Brute" See you ALL in Nashville, (keep those registrations coming in, folks!), Ray Jones