"... Also of note is that Performance Suspension Technologies new catalog has a rear conversion for the early '58 up axle. They call it '58 up but we know '57 is the exact same thing. Wayne " ======================================================= Wayne, I did call PST and questionned them as to where they get this kit from; it is manufactured by Stainless Steel Brake , in Upstate NY. The bottom line about SSB's rear disc kit is that it does NOT fit the 57-62 rear ends; rather, it fits the 63/64 . Tony Rinaldi found this out the hard way recently. It appears that the 63/64 tapered rear axle rear end housings have a different bolt pattern where the backing plate mounts up to the housing. Stainless Steel Brake assumed that the '63/'64 rear end housing was the same as '57 thru '62, which it in fact is not. Since their kit is based on a bracket that attaches to the studs on the housing flanges, and was developed using a '64 wagon, it just plain will not work on the '57 thru '64. Again, I did confirm that PST gets their conversion kits from SSB. They will be changing their catalog to reflect that the rear brake conversion kit does NOT fit 57 thru 62 Chryslers. SSB will have to develop a bracket for the 57 thru 64 units; they have not done this as of this writing. The front disc conversion kit from Stainless Steel Brake works very well. John