I had a call today from Frank Driscoll, one our long-time club members from South Dakota. He asked me to relay the following information on Moore's Auto Salvage along with his recommendation: "I've known these guys for years. They are as fair and honest as anyone you'll ever meet." Frank says they have a ton of Mopars and have the ability to ship parts & pieces anywhere. The web site: http://www.mooresautosalvage.com/ +++++++++++ Our location in western South Dakota centers us in a region known for excellent quality vintage cars and trucks. Due to low humidity and minimum road salt use, many older cars found in the area still have good quality sheet metal and chrome. We continue to increase our inventory while these prime-condition vehicles are still available. We look forward to helping you with your vintage auto parts needs or complete vehicle for your restoration project. Please call or write us and be sure to visit our website again soon. Moore's Auto Salvage 1761 Country Road . Rapid City, South Dakota 57701 . (605)348-4926 +++++++++++++