WARNING TOTALLY STRONG OPINION AHEAD - and a totally personal opinion from afar - If the 300 Club detracts points when judging a 300 with genuine Dealer installed A/C, the perhaps the 300 Club maybe needs to look at itself !?? In saying, or asking this, I understand two points: (1) if Dealer installed items are allowed, it opens a (300 Club) can of worms re proving/knowing they were in fact Dealer installed? (2) the 300 Club is likely dedicated to preserving 300s are (best?) preserved (correctly?) as factory made them !? - which is a good correct policy. However is a KEY POINT BEING MISSED if one is encouraged to remove Dealer installed A/C - namely that then 300 IS NEVER AGAIN GOING TO BE THE 300 that the original (and subsequent?!!!!) 300 owner purchased, owned, enjoyed, etcc !!!!! And surely this then makes a mockery of WHAT ALSO OWNING A 300 SHOULD BE ABOUT - namely preserving the 300 that physically stands before someone/all !! Surely it was never the intention of the 300 Club that the 300 Club erase all history of every 300 FROM THE DAY IT LEFT say 3 feet from the end of the Factory assembly line !?? Please do not take this as criticism of the 300 Club/Policy, however as a now near 40 year involveee with 'old cars, collector cars', (currently still own around 15, not one of them so common/normal - talk about a slow learner !!!) which as a young boy were just a cheap first car you bought so you had a car, it annoys the hell out of me when people buy a rarer car (which most early 300s are !??), and then immediately tries, succeeds, in destroying all the history of that car's existance prior to 'their' (likely in the scheme of things, unless someone pushes 'the big button' sooner than I/we expect, in which case nothing matters!!) short ownership !!!? The sooner people realise we (surely/actually?) are only custodians of whatever we own, cannot take them with us, then perhaps more will be mindful of realising all items have a 'history', we are likely not first, nor final, owners, and should maybe realise that more ?! Enough enough - as you may guess by now - I say if it was truly a Dealer installed A/C as a new car - LEAVE IT THERE, as just as you cannot erase the first owner's ownership, nor subsequent ones, so if the car is as he had it delivered, is that so wrong!!? And soon you may have the only early 300 with such an option left on the planet - and if so, that might be a (telling the full 300 story) loss!!? Your car is what it is - certainly remove totally wrong additions, but surely a Dealer installed item is no major sin/crime?? History in future may harshely judge those who insist all subsequent history/ownership after leaving the factory aseembly line must as a concours policy be 100% erased forever?! Everyone have your nickel/dollar/two cents worth - and taking a devil's advocate position a few seconds more - would the Club insist, or support, removing say an early mobile phone or other rare gizmos fitted by such names/types as Howard Hughes, Marilyn Monroe, Clark Gable, to cars they owned? Or even fill in the bullet holes in Bonnie and Cylde' shot up 1934 Ford V8?!! ps I'll totally leave out the one about should one restore a 1957 Plymouuth Coupe buried for 50 years in a time capsule !? - I predict no local Council/Mayorship, will ever get a man on the moon - what a tragedy for a great initial thought/inspiration - so sad an outcome for all the great initial idea - and sadly they sure correctly picked a great 'correct 1957 car' to bury - thank heaven in now hindsight it not a new 300C convert !?) Christopher in Australia where it still too showery to get 300Cs out, maybe that why I so touchy re this issue - hope it a nice sunny 300 driver weekend wherever you all are. >From: cotejohnr@xxxxxxx >To: dennis57300@xxxxxxx, chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx >Subject: Re: [Chrysler300] what to do with ac >Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 20:39:40 -0400 > >Depends upon what your intent is for restoration and use beyond >completion. To get more points at 300 Club concours, then trash the >dealer A/C. If you want to enjoy the restored car by driving and being >comfortable, then keep it and enjoy the cool ride. A truly Chrysler >dealer added A/C will not detract from the value as long as it is >functional. >John Cote > > >-----Original Message----- >From: dennis57300@xxxxxxx >To: chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx >Sent: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 7:03 pm >Subject: [Chrysler300] what to do with ac > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >I have a/c dealer installed in my 300C. should i keep it or trash it >for my > >restoration? any opinions please. > > > >************************************** See what's free at >http://www.aol.com. > > > >[Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >________________________________________________________________________ >AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free >from AOL at AOL.com. _________________________________________________________________ Advertisement: Your Future Starts Here. Dream it? Then be it! 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