Earlier today I posted a query re what 300 or other car or panorama 2010 good quality Calenders might be available. Since then the thought occurred to me 300 Members might have good shots of the Letter car/cars they owned, that if permission was given, could be used to incorporate in a panorama type setting. Each month of 2010, someone who is 'photo shop', whatever software minded, could do the few mins (???!!) work to put a 300 into a nice background, and then make it available (on Club page, or else as an 'all 300Members email' with it as an attachment, to any members who wanted to get it, d/load it, and get it made up as a Calender Month by taking the d/load file to a photo shop/Laminator. Obviously it would need to be high enough pixels/quality, to get a print of about 2 foot by about 18 inches, plus have, or allow, the calender days for that month be across the bottom, if it not included in d/loaded file ??!! If one goes to Club STORIES page, then clicks on Raffaele Corneo's 300E Story, top of page 7 is a great shot at very top that shows format for what each month should look like - the 300 should not be more than about 30% (roughly) of the whole finished shot/photo. There are other good similar type Calender shots, such as Dan Reitz 300 in front of large (pile) of rocks in b/g, Paul Martin has good angle for a 300 of his model if it smaller against a panorama b/ground, and Jack Rose's bottom shot on his 300 Story is another good angle. And another ready to go shot like Corneo's 300E one, is Stories page shot titled "A pair of 300Cs" - what a great shot that would be for 300Cs Calender Month for 2010 ??!! Use it exactly as is, if approval given. Any one want to volunteer to start a January 2010 Month - do you/we start with trying to find a a great/best '55 300 shot to put against sat San Fransico Bay Bridge shot (the background shot must be taken/owned by Club Member to avoid copyright issues), or maybe if Raffaele Corneo agrees, we could use his top shot of his page 7 for January 2010 Calender Month, if the twin 300Cs shot is not available?? (That unless someone has a better 300E shot?! ) Backgrounds are needed to go with cars - come on you US 300 members - suggest a few, like one with distant Statue of Liberty in b/g, what one for Los Angeles, any old colour shots of Chrysler Factory, Miami City late 50s/60s, Mexican Border Crossing, desert giant cactus, the rocks they always used in old cowboy/indian movies - come on you camera 300Members, what great iconic US Panorama shots have you got with nothing in foregrounds that a 300 can be put into so it only takes up about 25-30% of the finished shot?? The finished Month should obviously include 300Club logo, plus some ssmall print re Copyright belonging to 300 Club, plus use/reproduction limited to current 300 Members ? Sorry to go on so long - but reality is no Calender done by a major could ever be priced as cheap as one we can do ourselves, and who wouldn't love a great shot of a different 300 for each month for all the years to come - it would take years to run out of cars and backgrounds if the idea catches on?? Christopher Australia To: chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx From: thelastbestgenius@xxxxxxxxxxx Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2009 08:25:11 +1000 Subject: [Chrysler300] 2010 (Auto/300) Calender query Merry Christmas to all 300 Members in the US and places other than Australia - Australia seemingly had a great nice quiet Christmas here yesterday, with none of the sometimes Australian Christmas summer cyclones or bushfires - better than the snow/ice in parts of US & Europe? About Christmas time, one looks for a nice calender or two to have/hang for the coming year, but here, it seems the "GFC" ( stands seeemingly for Global Financial Crisis/Crap - whatever?!) has resulted in a very poor smallest selection of small cheap Calenders, so I seem to remember some talk on the site about Calenders available in US, and thought I ask what is available over there that any 300 Members have thought OK/good - need not be just 300s, or 50s cars, but would like it to be about 2 feet wide, by about 18 inches, good quality paper, a page for each month, with say at least each top half a nice color photo/montage, with days of month across bottom section. Gotta start a hoped for better coming year, with some sort of nice wall Calender?! Maybe reply off list if feel appropriate - we used to have a quality large Annual "Australian Panorama" Calender for about $30 that had great mixture of stunning outback, beach, etc shots - so if there is a USA equivalent, it need not be a 300 one, which would be a great thing if there was one done featuring various 300 years set against iconic US backgrounds or 50s-60s City Locations? Christopher Australia - here in south part of Aus, now a nice geat mid 70s Boxing Day morning, ideal for some midday prawns, champagne, pudding with Brandy Custard __________________________________________________________ If It Exists, You'll Find it on SEEK Australia's #1 job site http://clk.atdmt.com/NMN/go/157639755/direct/01/ [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] _________________________________________________________________ If It Exists, You'll Find it on SEEK Australia's #1 job site http://clk.atdmt.com/NMN/go/157639755/direct/01/ [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ------------------------------------ To send a message to this group, send an email to: Chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx For list server instructions, go to http://www.chrysler300club.com/yahoolist/inst.htm For archives go to http://www.forwardlook.net/300-archive/Yahoo! 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