Re: [Chrysler300] A Word Of Thanks
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Re: [Chrysler300] A Word Of Thanks

Here in Mena, AR. I checked again today, we have at least 4 stations with straight gas.
One was $2.79 and another was $2.95
Regular %10 E gas is $2.29 @ Murphy's (Walmart)and I paid $2.05 last week @ Sam's in Hot Springs
The real change is Diesel. Selling for $2.23 at Murphy's. Can't remember when it was less than gas.

The public has caught on to the scam. 10% E in gas produces less BTU's and thus requires more gas to go a given distance.
The Ethanol surpluses are a problem. We don't use enough gas to meet the Fed's required Ethanol sales.
AR had 4-5 plants being built some years ago, 2-3 were scrapped in the planning after the need settled out and now, I think the last one was shutdown.
The use of corn made the cost of Beef feed skyrocket, which with the 2 year drought, cut the herds way down.
Now the cost of Beef products has doubled in the last several years. But then, Pork is real cheap now...
All this is a result of laws put on the books by our elected welfare recipients known as Congressmen.

On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 7:49 PM, 'Gloria Moon' agmoon@xxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300] <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

To all of you who responded to our "No Alcohol Gas" server question.
Responses were all over the place for cost, availability, octane etc.
Now we have a much better picture of the real gas situation.
Unfortunately, we have gasoline Nazis here in MD. that won't allow us have any real gas anywhere near Balto./D.C. Metro.  And the nearest ones are trying to charge over twice as much for real gas as many of you are paying.  Sigh.
What gets us is that many of the people there in the Corn Belt, no less, can get real gas but we can't!!!
We are going to have to figure out something with respect to this typical government mess.
Thanks to all who responded.
We appreciate your taking the time in doing so.
Allan & Gloria

Ray Jones. Y'all come on down an see us. Ya hear?


Posted by: Ray Jones <1970hurst@xxxxxxxxx>

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