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Begin forwarded message:From: mark love <marklove@xxxxxx>
Date: April 28, 2018 at 9:15:24 AM PDT
To: "Yahoo! Inc." <chrysler300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Coker Tires way past 'best before date'All;
I’m trying to get by on a set of Coker Classics in my 300F, but want to drive the car about 250 mi north to the 300 Club meet in Rohnert Park in a couple of weeks.
The tires seem fine as I tool around Palm Desert on 20-30 mi runs, often at 60- 70 mph in stretches.
Lots of tread depth and no side wall cracks or blisters but here are some hair line cracks on the side wall running parallel to the wheel, just outside the wheel lip.
I’ve been told everything from ‘get new tires immediately to cheap sob’ to ‘if the cracks deepen to 1/8", it’s time to buy new tires’ to ‘hell, roll ‘em off the rims, it’s all a scam by the manufacturers just trying to get you to buy more tires more often’.
It’s hot weather here now, 90-100 in the daytime and I’ll be rolling up I5 to San Francisco at 60-65 mph. It’s likely 7-8 hours with three or four stops along the way..
Question: ‘get new tires you cheap sob’ or ‘roll ‘em off the rims’?
Posted by: Joe Allen <billandmarilynallen@xxxxxxxxx>
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