Hi Dan; From my experience, you need to isolate whether it is in the gauge or the cable. Can you ‘feel’ the noise on the face of the gauge with your finger as you’re driving? Or can you hear it up close (your passenger in your lap)? Sounds like the cable and it’s the easier to diagnose. Unscrew it at one end (at the tranny or behind the gauge cluster, not sure of your year) and see if the noise goes away when you drive it. That will diagnose it.. I have taken the speedo cable out, pulled out the inner cable, irrigated the housing in a solvent bath, cleaned the cable (look at the ends and see if they’re worn so badly you should replace the cable and housing regardless) and re- oil it (I used sewing machine oil). That’s what i did. As with any diet advice, ‘your results may vary'. M.
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