On September 6, 2019 at 10:28 AM "'Jerry Lindsay' jerrylindsay300h@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300]" <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Gentlemen and Ladies,
It’s come to repair the brakes in my 1962 300 Sport Coupe that’s been sitting for a spell. I’m losing brake fluid, but at this time have not found out where, but suspect a wheel cylinder as there are telltale signs on one of the wheels that I pulled to put new tires on it.
I also want to rebuilt the master cylinder and power brake booster. I’ve looked at Rock auto and they only list 330H shoes. Also the wheel cylinders do not look like the ones I have on now. I’m looking for a phone number for them to speak to a service rep if possible.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. It’s also scheduled to go into the body shop to get repainted. With a little help it started right up, but it is not idling smoothly. 413 w/4 barrel and 3 speed manual trans. Will do complete tune up after it’s painted.
Thanks in advance,
Jerry Lindsay
11469 87th Ave N
Seminole, FL 33772
727-393-9091 (I always let it go into answering service as I get 10+ robo calls every day, EVERY DAY)
Posted by: doug warrener <2hsandaheritage@xxxxxxxxxxx>
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- RE: [Chrysler300] Brake replairs
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