On September 17, 2019 at 8:11 PM "cv300g@xxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300]" <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Has anyone ordered the Spark Plug Wire set , #6302-611 , for the 300G through Lectric Limited ? Are all the wires the correct length to route in the proper manner and connect with the 10- Spark Plug Wire Brackets ?
Has anyone ever heard the , Ram Induction, Cross Ram ( Long Ram ) Intake referenced as the Ram Charger Intake?
In all my years I have never heard of it called a Ram Charger Intake .
The reason I am asking is I went to the Lectric Limited website and ordered plug wires for a 300G.
I ordered set 6302-611 which according to them is for a 1961 Newport, New Yorker, Town & Country and 300.
The description says : " V8 - all With Ram Charger Intake ".
While I assumed the wires were for the Cross ram Intake I asked a question when I ordered.
" Comment/PO Number: In this wire set is Each wire the correct length to install properly on all TEN spark plug brackets on the 1961 413 Cross Ram engine. ? If not cancel this order."
They acknowledged my order with an email saying:
" ORDER STATUS: Great news! It appears that your entire order is in stock and will ship within one business day. SHIPPING: After your order has been shipped, you will receive an email with your tracking number, directly from UPS. "
Well I waited and waited and finally emailed them asking where my order was. Their reply was " This order was cancelled due to your comments that we weren’t able to make the set as you wanted. ".
So I called them and they said they didn't know if the wires were correct for routing through the 10 Brackets and that's why the order was cancelled.
If that set is correct I'll have to odrer them again.
Charlie Valentine
Posted by: Noel Hastalis <cpaviper@xxxxxxxxxxx>
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