[Chrysler300] 300 K water pump and fan dimensions
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[Chrysler300] 300 K water pump and fan dimensions
- From: "ALLAN POZDOL apozdol@xxxxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300]" <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2020 21:52:11 -0500 (CDT)
Greetings fellow 300 K owners. I have searched the archives and did not find the dimensions for the water pump and the thermo fan clutch with AC.
I bought from Rock Auto and my parts match what they are saying are the correct dimensions correct. (Mistakenly, I tossed my old parts moths ago. DOH!)
The Gates water pump measures 3.07" from the base to the fan hub surface.
I bought an AC Delco thermo clutch 1580250 and it too measures as stated, 2.03" from hub mount surface to fan mount surface.
Those listing specs all jibe with my parts I got from them. The front of the clutch sits proud of the front of the fan blades about 1/4" when I lay it flat on the ground..
But, The parts manual gives another number 2402848 before before serial # 205610 at 2.03" and after # 205610 (What's this, last six numbers of the serial # ?) of 2536677. This latter number doesn't show up on Rock Auto for as an alternate OEM number.
My car was built in Jan. 1964.
I dropped the radiator in first and no way does the fan go in, no chance of any clearance. Same with installing the fan and trying to drop the radiator in. I pulled the radiator with the fan in place.
Anyone else run into similar issues when blindly replacing parts?
Posted by: ALLAN POZDOL <apozdol@xxxxxxxxxxx>
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