Hi club. There was a lot to not like on this 300g so don’t fret, the market has not collapsed.
The restoration is aging. It is a driver quality car with average chrome and paint that has some imperfections. That alone should not be enough to produce this low of a result.Personally I thought the paint was a few shades off of correct Marti gras red.The interior is where the big issues came into play. Many parts that are difficult to get were not addressed on this car it seems. The restorer either didn’t have the knowledge of what was correct of didn’t have the $$ to do correctly.The seat pattern is wrong, I’m not sure what the seat pattern is from in that car. No dash pad and bad or incorrect steering wheel (Can’t tell from the wrap) to name a few. Having done all those on cars I have owned in the past, probably at best $15k to correct all and realistically more.Mecum not the place I would choose to sell one of my letter cars. They don’t know the merchandise (I speak from first hand experience). If you want (or have) to sell at auction, Barrett is a much better venue and company. Better yet, sell it for a little less to a club member.John Lyons860-883-3998Excuse any typos.On Jul 18, 2020, at 11:23 AM, Joanandjon Rebolj joanandjon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300] <Chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Just saw that a nice red 300G hammered for only $32,500 at Mecum in Indy this week. Even the damn Smoky and the Bandit T/A’s we’re pulling in more than that. Sad times.
John Rebolj
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