On 12/08/2020 6:26 AM RICHARD HUSS rhuss214192@xxxxxxxxxxx [Chrysler300] <chrysler300-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:I just tried to install “hang” the passenger door on my 300G I did nothing more than remove it and strip and prime it. now I can’t get the bottom of the door in far enough. I have adjusted the bottom hinge all the way in. It still is out a 1/4” + along the bottom. Top is fine. the front finder is lined up with the rocker so I don’t want to bring the finder out. Any hints?
Also I am still struggling with the hood shutting all the way. I am able to get both sides to close evenly but still up on both sides a 1/4 or so.
Thanks for any help before I take a hammer to it. Richard
Posted by: ALLAN POZDOL <apozdol@xxxxxxxxxxx>
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- [Chrysler300] door adjustments
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