It's good to hear of some new stuff coming from Quirey. Maybe some members can post some pictures and commentary after they purchase and install the new items - word of mouth is the best advertisement for a rather limited Club-level audience such as ours. I sure hope the people at Quirey can make the effort to update and publish their own version of Gary Goers' parts catalog, and at least get on the list server for meaningful communication like this! Gary's contributions to our Club were enormous, and he is sorely missed! I am SO fortunate that my restoration was completed before he could not longer continue!
Thanks to Jamie Hyde for mentioning a couple of QQD's products,
but it's certainly only a tiny fraction of their available
inventory, and there is NO SUBSTITUTE for a catalog, even if they
have to copy/paste/revise the Goers Catalog #10 (I think that was
the last one) under their own new name. Doesn't have to be lavish
(Gary's was not), but I think they're definitely missing the boat
on this part of their business lineup. I know that as I was
looking for a particular restoration item in Gary's catalog(s), I
stumbled upon literally DOZENS of other parts that I hadn't even
thought could be available, probably at least tripling my parts
purchases over a three-year period as the restoration progressed
and new deficiencies (opportunities for improvement) were
Ray Melton Las Cruces, NM 300C cvt"Big Red" s/n 3N572517
Group, Dave at Quirey Quality Design asked me to post this for the group as he is not yet on the list server. He has a complete set of new door panels , front and rear for a 57C coupe. QQD also has a seat kit, again front and rear in stock and ready to ship, call Todd at 814-509-6410 to order. ----
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