{Chrysler 300} Our Pasadena 300 Club Meet
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{Chrysler 300} Our Pasadena 300 Club Meet
- From: Noel Hastalis <cpaviper@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2022 12:01:23 -0500 (CDT)
A resounding success! Kudos to Rob and Bob for organizing, handling the people moving logistics in a terribly congested town, selecting a wonderful hotel and drawing in members and their guests. Jay Leno's agreeing to personally host us at his Big Dog Garage was clearly the magnet that drew folks from 28 states, 3 Canadians and 3 Aussies - total 184 registrations - to experience Jay's fabulous collection of automobiles, motorcycles, huge custom studio-painted wall art that complemented the cars, countless model cars and car accessories, and his machine and paint shops where a variety of cars were in stages of restoration/repair. The time we spent there was but an appetizer of its entirety, impossible to fully absorb it all. Our Warner Brothers Studio tour was wonderful - reminding us that many of the scenes we see in movies and tv shows are fabricated with props. Of course, the Peterson Museum visit was also a winner. A big Thank You! to Per Blixt for driving his fuelie 300-D coupe to our hotel and visiting with us Sunday afternoon, as well as to our Wednesday Car Show that drew 19 Letter Cars and a handful of other older Mopars. We met many enthusiatic new first-time Meet attendees and look forward to their joining us at our future Meets. Several folks commented about Pasadena being our Club's best attended Meet, and who all contributed to making this a most memorable Meet. I don't know about pre-2006 Meets, but this and our 2015 Macungie Meet attendance came neck and neck.
Not to let the dust settle, we're already working on our exciting Spring '23 Hershey Meet. Stay tuned for the details, and hope to see many of you there!
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