Your discussion relates to rejection of heat of the coolant within the enclosed system. The other factor in dissipation of the heat is what happens to cool the fins and tubes of the radiator on their outside surfaces. We need to consider
that higher air velocity and volume will undeniably accelerate cooling of the fins and tubes and contribute to lower coolant temperatures.
Three factors can play very beneficial roles in transferring the heat of the coolant through the surfaces of the radiator components to the ambient air flow passing through the radiator:
The first is that the fan should be as close as possible in size to the diameter in the opening of the radiator fan shroud. This will increase the force and speed of the air drawn through the radiator as the air behind the fan will be less
able to return around the gap between fan and shroud. This will maximize the volume of air passing through the radiator.
Secondly, the fan (and shroud) should be positioned forward as close as possible to the fins of the radiator in order to pull the largest possible amount of air through the radiator in spite of return air slipping forward around the gap
between the fan and the shroud opening. That is probably the reason Chrysler engineered such a close gap between the fan and the radiator fins – barely enough to fit a new belt between them.
And thirdly, it should be noted that the use of a standard non-thermal fan clutch as installed by Chrysler is engineered to let the fan speed slip down to roughly 30 to 35% of the speed of the water pump at highway speeds by design. This
speed is less noisy yet adequate for cooling under normal driving conditions. But operating an air conditioner in very hot weather, with the air passing through the hot condenser coils before reaching the radiator, will make the cooling job of the engine much
harder for the radiator. Then if we add some old-age clogging of the radiator and the engine water passages, the cooling demand may be too much for the system and result in overheating.
The substitution of a thermally activated fan clutch on the other hand will speed up the fan to approximately 60 or 65% of the rpm of the water pump. Hot air passing through the radiator closes a valve within the fan clutch, and greatly
increases the speed of the air pulled through the radiator. On my C, with the use of a thermal fan clutch I made up, my engine temperature never rises above mid-range even with the A/C running in slow traffic and temperatures running in the 90s.
And now back to the issue of best speed to pump the coolant through the radiator ………………………………………….
Keith Boonstra
From: chrysler-300-club-international@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <chrysler-300-club-international@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
On Behalf Of John Grady
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2023 10:39 AM
To: James Douglas <jdd@xxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Chrysler 300 Club International <chrysler-300-club-international@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: {Chrysler 300} 1962 Water Pump & Fan Clutch
Hi James ,it's engineering ok? Not opinion. Physics of heat transfer/flow by water is BTU per gallon (a constant number at a temperature) times flow. "For those who do not understand , no explanation suffices".(Einstein) This cooling thing has
long been in that category. "Experts" slow down flow, out of beliefs. Fine,go ahead with beliefs.
Hydrodynamics of turbulent flow or not can enter into it, a little bit, yes, all that is like slightly more fins, (I'd put it in with marketing claims -just me --Stabil, VX-6, Top oil,dented radiator tubes) but I doubt even a 5 % impact.Modern
aluminum radiators have 3/4" tubes. Wrong pump not matched to the radiator impacts GPM, that is the point,and also that you want as much flow as you can get so that all of the radiator face and engine are uniformly at the same temperature. That rejects the
most heat. More to the point, and very easy to understand, --The original radiator/pump worked fine. Problems come from "improving it" with incorrect beliefs or wrong parts. Beyond all that just get a good radiator
With respect your statement that, “Faster flow always cools better .Period” is just flat wrong.
I suggest that you read the following link for a light discussion of the subject:
Or this link for an in-depth look at the topic:
Like I said in my previous post, if the water runs too fast it can achieve laminar flow which is not a good thing in a radiator.
There are a lot of misconceptions here.
Faster flow always cools better.Period . That is because max cooling happens when the radiator is kept uniformly hot top to bottom, which obviously disposes of the most heat. (compared
to a cool bottom, you have half a radiator) The idea that it has to sit to cool is incorrect.You are not "trying to cool" at all, you are trying to remove heat. as much as possible. Temperature is not "heat", Heat is water flow in GPM times the BTU in the
water (temp). That is what carries the total amount of heat , what cools the car . Note "time" in GPM , how much heat per minute. Rejection of heat to air is proportional to temperature difference, so a hot radiator vs air temp, ,one that is hot from top
to bottom uniformly, is throwing away a lot more heat than a cooler one. Why it gets hot at high speed is because you are making more heat, nothing to do with water flow rates,---radiator has to get hotter to throw that away. if the flow rate is adequate
by design.(it was) --- slowing it down through the radiator will make it hotter,period,as less total heat is thrown away if the bottom is cool.... . That said, the pumps are efficient at a certain RPM range, and can cavitate if over spun, especially high vane
count pumps. Gets complicated, but I remember someone once observed here that factory AC pumps have fewer blades than the normal ones in 1960 . Caused much head scratching , if you do not understand. That space between vanes may move MUCH more water (GPM)
when associated with a 4 row low restriction radiator than one with more vanes designed for a more restrictive two or three row radiator . remember it is GPM times BTU, (which is related to temp, generally BTU per gallon is always a constant at 180-200 degrees
F) , and the faster the water flows the more GPM the more total heat is removed. In fact heat removal is directly proportional to GPM. A many vaned pump may make more pressure but flow a lot less GPM. But you need more pressure like that , to get flow in a
skinny radiator ---and you can't put more GPM through it , by using an AC pump, radiator too restrictive-----also no point , if it is already uniformly hot top to bottom , with lower GPM at the higher pressure of a high vane count pump .This is why a partially
clogged radiator overheats, the designed GPM does not happen (but flow is sure slowed down-=more time to cool? smile) So use the pump that matches the radiator.
There are variations in 413 pumps and housing , in depth too, in early B blocks, another fiasco. Some had metal plates in back to direct flow, mixing any of that older stuff up
,can be leaving a dead space behind the impeller and poor flow. (been there too) Today's cross matching will get you a 440 pump at NAPA no matter what you tell the guy, (been there) may or may not not work right in your old housing. Best ,maybe to use a modern
440 pump and housing too, or else get into which impeller depth and vane count goes with which old housing, Or just check it. ( I was never able to sort that, no one has the special old pumps anyway). Use a radiator with 4 rows with a stock pump, which
may have fewer (AC) or stock vanes. (Hey worked great when new!) Using an AC pump with a thin radiator means low flow ,overheating., it restricts the GPM of the open hi volume pump . All this matched by design. Mess with it at your own risk.
So end of day, spend your $ on a 4 row radiator ....that is where the trouble usually is. More radiator, clean and new, = more heat disposed of.
One of the known issues with the water moving too fast is that the water stratifies in the tube column in the radiator. The resistance between the water layer against the tube
moves slower and the inner layer moves much faster and therefore does not transfer its heat through the boundary layer of water to the tube wall.
I have my cores made by a shop here in Northern California that uses a dimple tube. The dimples cause the water to “tumble” and as such is breaks up the layers and causes mixing
even at higher speeds.
We deal with pumps running too fast all the time in our vintage race engines. These engines spend most of the time between 5-8,000 rpm and we always have to slow the pumps down
(larger pulleys) so the water going through the radiator has time to give off its heat. Yes, you can definitely move TOO MUCH water through an engine and cooling system.
Hello All,
I am having a hard time accepting the principal that more vanes make the water move faster and therefore, the heat is not dissipated as fast. This does not seem logical.
For every cubic volume of water, the heat loss is less with faster moving water, but the water is moving faster so the total amount of heat removed would be the same or more. Think of throwing a hot brick into
a fast moving stream vs. a slow moving stream.
Mark Lindahl
The Napa pumps I have been using (42032) have six vanes (pictured). Maybe these are for the a/c cars as Don mentioned fewer vanes. These have worked fine on non-a/c cars too but may not be ideal. I’ll check with Napa to see what the options are.
George that is good info about your problem- I wouldn’t have thought the spacing between the fan clutch and radiator would have been significant at highway speeds- seems it would be dwarfed by the airspeed of wind coming in at 70 mph (whether or not fan
spins at all seems almost negligible at that speed). So the closer clearance to your radiator sounds critical for higher speeds unless a red herring…

On Mar 6, 2023, at 12:15 PM, G VERBERKMOES <zzub@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Hey Guys…Check the distance of the fan-clutch vanes to the radiator. I had the original fan-clutch that came with the car when I purchased it. I decided I should get a new fan-clutch so I took the old one to NAPA and we went through their fan-clutches and
found one that matched the one I had. Come to find out the original fan-clutch I had was incorrect. Installing a thermal fan-clutch with the vanes of the fan-clutch 1/2 inch away from the radiator solved my 28 year old overheating problem.
I’ve had my 1965 300L with A/C for close to 30 years. When I first purchased the car it had a flex-fan and it was very noisy so I went back to the original fan and fan-clutch. I then started having overheating problems. At 60-65 MPH the temperature ran right
around 190 degrees; if I tried to keep up with freeway traffic 70-75 MPH the temperature would shoot up to 230-235 degrees. I would then slow back down and temperature would go back down. For 28 years I messed with this problem. I live in the San Diego area
and over the years I have made countless trips to Phoenix AZ, 700 miles R/T, to the Carmel Meet, Placerville Meet, Alamogordo Meet, two Las Vegas Meets. All the time driving 60-65 MPH. I installed Hi-flow water-pumps, four-row radiator, centrifugal-clutch
then went back to OEM configuration. The engine was rebuilt 23 years ago with a salvaged Imperial 413 block. Same problem. For 28 years I drove 65 MPH!
Just before the Pasadena Meet the thermal fan-clutch went out. I got pretty good at changing fans, water pumps and fan-clutches. I got a new thermal fan-clutch from O’Reilly’s and installed it. The vanes on the old clutch were over an inch away from the
radiator. The new clutch vanes were 1/2 inch from the radiator (same as my '64.) What a difference! The car no longer overheats! I drove to the Pasadena Meet 125 miles at 70-80 MPH and temperature never went above 210 degrees.
300 Regards...George Ver Berkmoes
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