for pix sorry
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From: "D.C. Mason" <petergriffinforpresident@xxxxxxxxx> Date: June 2, 2023 at 10:34:17 PM EDT To: John Grady <jkg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Carl <cbilter@xxxxxxxxx>, Bob Merritt <Bob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Unusual EL power pack
Howdy all,Wondering if you guys have run across any power supplies that look like this. Came out of a F. I replaced the cap (it had the usual Bendix 0.1 uF original cap) and it still didn’t work but I swapped in a different power supply and that one works fine, so EL lights are functional. This one may have a bad power transistor (?) or something else. Not sure if all these used any old TO-3 PNP transistor, or if the resistors are the same values in all these, etc… this one has two resistors (76 and 23 ohms) and some sort of thin resistance wire (on the order of 4 mega ohm) in a black plastic insulated sheath, which was brittle and broke while taking the pictures. Different chassis configuration. Seems like there is either a lot wrong with this or it’s just a different circuit with different value components than usual.  Thanks!Sent from my iPhone
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