Oil leaks and other problems
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Oil leaks and other problems
- From: Schuyler Wrobel <schuyler62@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 16:17:48 -0700
Well, I started with the Intake manifold and resealed it as per Ray &
Shaun's suggestions.
Except, I used yellow weather strip adhesive to glue down the end
pieces, to hold them
in place, then a dab of black RTV in the corners and a thin layer
across the top. Nothing
on the Offy gaskets, and I teflon taped all the oil sender and gage
fittings. The angles seemed
to check out ok and the ports lined up good with the intake side only
slightly smaller then
the port openings on the head. Hope it works when I get around to
firing it up!
Here's what I found while I had the intake off. The black silicon I
used previously, in-place
of the end pieces, had a few channels in it where the oil could easily
escape! especially at
the back. The Offy gaskets sealed well even though I used aviation
black Permatex goop
on both sides of the gasket, what a sticky mess that was, glad to hear
these gaskets don't
need it. Now for the really big goof, as I was checking the cam,
lifters and push rods I noticed
one of the push rods was bent, sort of wobbled around as I spun it? So
, off came the valve covers
backed off the adjuster and pulled out the pushrod. What appears to
have happened was,
the previous time before I installed the intake manifold, I cleaned out
the bolt holes in the head
with a thread chaser and went a little to far in on 3 of them, where
the bolt hole goes into the pushrods
tunnel. the tool made contact with the pushrod and bent it and started
to bore a hole into
the side of the pushrod, yikes! this must of made things difficult for
the valve to open and close
properly, there were marks left from rubbing on the other side of the
bend, now I know why
those rockers were the noisiest. By the way these are the push rods
that actuate the rocker
for the exhaust valves that pass directly under the Manifold bolt holes
another source for oil leakage if you don't
seal the threads! Decided to skip chasing the threads this time around,
broke the tool anyway.
My original 62 Poly motor, the one with the broken crank, donated some
replacement pushrods.
chalk up another one for this ham fisted mechanic. (o;
Some other interesting observations, one of the exhaust manifold
bolts, front drivers side, is gone,
missing? next one over loose about half way out? only one loose on the
other side? what's going
on here? /o:
Stay tuned, will be dropping the oil pan soon to replace the rear main
seal. Should I check
the rod bearings while I have the pan off? little unsure about
re-torquing rod bolts?
then on to the trans pan for a new gasket and filter, hope there's no
more surprises!?
Sure would like to install my Spitfire headers also, does anyone know
where I can find a reasonably
priced duel exhaust kit or is the local muffler shop the only solution?
was hoping to save some
money and do it my self but can't find any deals on pipes.
thanks for the help.
Schuyler 62 Dodge Dart 440 wagon w/ Poly 318
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