Well thank you. I do have cousins by the same name in Ohio. There were into realeastae i think Somerville or Somerville I have a desk calaender from one of them. Wewerethrown out in 1784 so unlesss we can have thefarm back their beat. Slant sixes are a fun engine. I have built both street and strip versions. They are fun and are inexpensive and can stand huge overbores withut so much as a whimper. I had an early cda with a /6 for strip and street. Ran about the same as my truck 15.80s I bult a couple . one iwth turbo and one without for an altered. the wthout one is stull in our area some 30 years later and ran at the track about 4 years or so back.. My current /6 is in a small rail and i am running it frstrace this weekend. it is a real challenge as it has 6 snowmobile carbs on ot (like early harley carbs.) Ican see it is going to be a big flog to get it rght but i just keep plugging away. it would be avery streetable engine in an early valiant. Saw 3 real nice 63 valiants in the last two weeks around here. Where are they coming from? One blue convertable, one red 2drhtp and one grean twodr hrdtop. I take the red one please! (It was very nice) Sixesget overlooked a lot but we forget BMW and prasches and jags back when it mattered are were sixes and no one was laughing at them. A slant 6 with twin turbos and such built like the modern tuner guys do with thier little oea shooters would be a real fun motor. In the hot rod pictorial of a couple of years ago i think it was the mopar one there is a picture of Keith Blacks shop with engines stored behind him. One of the engines is a very interesting looking slant 6 with the nest of snakes indy style headers. We sure enjoyed our early Barracuda. It was quick and great on fuel too. Many a v8 got smoked with it. I drove it from here to Florida twice as well. maybe it is time to revive these thrifty little motors. A 170 will rev to the moon(8000 + when modified) while the 225 with its huge 4.12 stroke is a plodder.(6000rpm) Don [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ---- Please address private mail -- mail of interest to only one person -- directly to that person. I.e., send parts/car transactions and negotiations as well as other personal messages only to the intended recipient, not to the Clubhouse public address. This practice will protect your privacy, reduce the total volume of mail and fine tune the content signal to Mopar topic. Thanks! '62 to '65 Mopar Clubhouse Discussion Guidelines: http://www.1962to1965mopar.ornocar.org/mletiq.html.
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