i have another question about scattershields. The only real reason i bought it was that I couldnt find a reasonably priced OEM big block bellhousing, and I got it for 100 dollars , as opposed to the 350 dollars I see the OEM pieces going for, so I figured theres 250 bucks towards something else. Now I have seen them in catalogs with and without the inner plate that goes between the back of engine and clutch, to protect back of block in event of explosion. Mine had no inner plate. whether it did originally or not we will never know. is it OK to run it without the inner plate? I mean we are mainly talking a street car, not a full on drag strip car so will it still function correctly?? The only problem I can see is if it was meant to be run with the inner plate it would affect ( by about 1/4 inch) how far the input shaft of tranny went into back of crank, but i cant seee how that would be an isssue and also there might be an issue with the starter depth. Now , on the other hand if i decided to make one, (easy enough i think with my plasma cutter and a template), could it just be made on a sheet of 1/4 inch steel, or would i need to have the plate milled flat after i cut it out. I dont know how really " flat" a sheet of steel actually is. thanks guys neal zimmerman, eugene oregon