very much gary for the time you took to type this and the great info thats why I have always loved this list...good people,parts,prices and the friendship..say I have an idea and maybe this has already happened...would it be kewl at least for those who could mke it to meet at a major event or have a huge mopar crusie to??? Thanks again David --- On Fri, 1/2/09, Gary H. <spigot2039@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > From: Gary H. <spigot2039@xxxxxxxxxxx> > Subject: Re: Fw: Re:hi l@@kin 4 a carb > To: 1962to1965mopars@xxxxxxxxxx > Date: Friday, January 2, 2009, 7:36 PM > A place called The Carburetor Shop had some for sale at one > time: (573) 392-7378 (9-4 Mon-Wed central time) > > Are wcfb's popular with Chebby guys? > > Here's an alternative from a Caddy guy: > > "You can get aluminum adapter plates to go from the > WCFB bolt pattern to the big Carter AFB/ Edelbrock 4 barrel > bolt pattern. I will show you a picture of the ones that I > used. You can get them from Speedway....the part number for > them is #7202085. I used trans-dapt carb adapters, but these > appear to be the same thing. You have to modify them > slightly to make 'em work, but here ya go... > > The four countersunk holes (one on each corner) line right > up with the bolt holes on a WCFB intake manifold. You need > to use these holes to bolt the adapters to the intake, and > then bolt the carb to the adapter. There are only two > problems... > 1.You have to drill the holes out in the centers so that a > bolt will pass through them, but you have to leave enough > countersunk material for the screw you use to bite on. > 2. The contersunk are on mine were not coutersunk quite far > enough, so you need to sink the hole edges a little further. > > You will need to use a square head allen screw to do this > also, as it's circumference is round, unlike a > traditional bolt. If you were using a bolt, the countersunk > area would have to be considerably bigger to clear the > corners of the eight sides of the bolt head and your socket. > If you made the hole big enough to use a regular bolt, it > also might compromise the integrity of the piece. You also > need to make sure that the allen screws that you use tighten > up so that the tops of them are just below the carb mounting > surface of the carb adapters. This way, you can be certain > that they are not interfering with the carb installation > (i.e. causing vacuum leaks, etc.). You can also cut down the > allen screw heads compensate for a lack of countersunk > depth. Once you have everything drilled and mocked up, put > down a gasket, bolt down the carb adapter, another gasket on > top of it, bolt down the carb and whamo! You're in > business! I used two new Carter AFB 600 cfm carbs from > Summit on my caddy mill, and I've been using this > adapter plate set up for about 5 years now and it works > great!" > > Gary H. > > -----Original Message----- > > > am looking for a wcfb to complete a dual 4 poly set > up. Anyone/ideas? > >Thank You David > > > ---- > Please address private mail -- mail of interest to only one > person -- directly to that person. I.e., send parts/car > transactions and negotiations as well as other personal > messages only to the intended recipient, not to the > Clubhouse public address. This practice will protect your > privacy, reduce the total volume of mail and fine tune the > content signal to Mopar topic. Thanks! > > '62 to '65 Mopar Clubhouse Discussion Guidelines: > ---- Please address private mail -- mail of interest to only one person -- directly to that person. I.e., send parts/car transactions and negotiations as well as other personal messages only to the intended recipient, not to the Clubhouse public address. This practice will protect your privacy, reduce the total volume of mail and fine tune the content signal to Mopar topic. Thanks! '62 to '65 Mopar Clubhouse Discussion Guidelines:
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