Re: Good Passwords
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Re: Good Passwords

DJ, and anybody else that is interested, look at it like this.  Your computer is like your car.  If you leave the keys in your car it's easy to steal your car.  If you take the keys out but leave it unlocked, a bit harder to steal.  Lock the doors, it's harder still.  Put in an alarm and it's even harder to steal it....right?  So we protect our car/computers by putting in locks/passwords, antivirus software/car alarms to help us be safe.  So far so good. 
Think of your E-Mail on yahoo/gmail/google/or whoever you use as the gas tank on your car.  Even if you put alarms on your car somebody can still syphon the gas out of it if they are careful.  So we put locking gas caps on our cars/passwords on our email to keep people out.  With me so far?  If you use a simple password...Like the word PASSWORD or 123456 or 1q2w3e4r then it is easy for others to guess that password and hijack your email.  Even the best of passwords can be hacked is somebody really wanted to do it, but 99.9% of the time they just do the simple ones because enough people use simple passwords. 
One way to stop things like this is to change your password from time to time.  Every 30-90 days.  Another thing you can do, never use the same password everywhere.  They should all be different.  Pain in the ass I know, but very safe.  Here is an easy way to make a safe password, that you can change easy and remember it.  You can start with the months or days of the week to start.  For example...October3108746 or Monday3108746. In these examples I've used the current month and my cell phone number.  Both are easy to remember, when I want to change it I just have to change the month or the day of the week.  You can also use things like Home4747911, Cell3108746, or Mom7707864, Wife5689852, these things are hard to guess, have an upper and lower case letters and numbers, you can change passwords anytime you like. 
Oh NEVER ever use the same password on forums, or other sites that you use for you E-Mail or banking as these sites are easily hacked and then they have both your E-Mail address and your password.  To make my life easy I do use the same password on all the forums I use....if you think I want to have 30 passwords rolling in my head guess again.  I don't care if somebody logs in to the forums I use...and it's not happened to me yet.  I change that passwords maybe every 2 years.  Banking, E-Mail, Credit cards, these I change every 90 days or so, using a word and a set of numbers.  I write it down, on my calender in my office, it just looks like a name and a phone number...only I know what goes where. 
I hope that helps, you can E-Mail me off list at ericsturgis@xxxxxxxxx if you need further clarification on any of this.  Really common sense will stop 99% of the password/hacking problems that happen to all of us. 
Tacoma, WA
1962 Chrysler Newport 2 door HT

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