Maiden voyage & now need electrical help!
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Maiden voyage & now need electrical help!
- From: Timothy Arnold <timna74@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2013 22:29:39 -0800 (PST)
Well we went to Grandma's house this morning which is about a 30 minute drive one way. All was well the whole trip there & back! Had a blast driving the car farther than a block or two. I was able to snap a few pictures while we were there, she's not pretty but I love her!
(not sure how to totally attach pictures so here are a few links)
Now for the adventure of this evening. At 5:30 my wife wanted to meet up with her friend to exchange late Christmas gifts, she asked if we could take the Coronet. So I pulled it back out and checked all the lights & it sat idling for 15min or so. Well we leave & about a mile down the road it dies!!! In the middle of traffic on a very busy street... Sigh... So after we were able to get some room in traffic to push it over in a safe parking lot, I laughed my butt off! My wife & kids on the other had were quite mad. We were in walking distance from home so my wife walked home to get my truck & tools.
The car wasn't turning over, just click, click, click. Dead battery I thought! Wife gets back, I jump it & boom it runs. Idle it for a few min turn on headlights, dead... Hmm, alternator? I pull the battery cable while running, dead. Yep Alternator! Run to the part store grab a alternator put in, jump start, fires up, step on brake pedal, Dead... Only way it will fire up is via jump, then idles fine till the lights, or brake is pushed. Finally I just called Triple A and waited 2hrs for them to show up & tow it the 1mile...
Now the fun part starts, finding out sort of issue this beast has now! My guess electrical short, or bad ground? Should I be looking at something in particular? Basically where would you begin?
It has original wiring, with the addition of a mopar performance electric distributor.
Thanks everyone again for helping me out with this and all my other questions I always seem to be asking! Hopefully one day I will actually be able to help someone else out when I learn more.
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