Another update:
- Quite sure the distributor is not 180 out given I held my thumb over the #1 hole when I rotated up to TDC and felt really good pressure. Based on previous experiences I'm pretty sure I would have turned the motor into a flame thrower if it was 180 out (?)
- Quite sure the spark plug wires are correct but I checked again. And again. And again... :-p
- I swapped in an old distributor, same results
- I swapped in an Orange box, same results
- Ran a ground strap directly to the Orange box (now on the car in place of the Chrome one), same results
I've got myself talked into pulling the front of the motor apart this weekend and looking at the timing chain / gears and re-degreeing the cam. Ugh. What's driving me here is the fact that it won't start unless it's advanced to approximately 50 degrees. (Again, once started, when I retard it down to 30 or so, it stalls out.)
The one thing that's bothering me is that it runs relatively OK at start-up when the choke is on (even though it is way over-advanced), then worsens as it leans out while the choke heats up and opens. I know many would say this is probably a vacuum leak, but I don't see one. Besides, why does it need to be so far advanced before it will start? If it was a vacuum leak, it seems to me that it would start in the "normal" timing range, but not idle.
BTW, team, check something for me? I attached the cam card. The way I am reading it is if I install it straight up (not advancing or retarding it with bushings, etc.), it will be 0 advanced. Does that look right to you?
Thank you,