Hi list Stock or not it's our beloved Imperials (and other old cars) that are always in danger on the road -- not the new cars in danger of getting cars by us. >From the October '04 Hot Rod article about the Hot Rod Power Tour(and I quote) Day 4 This is the best day so far, not too hot and the roads are mild twisties where you can get away with 60 or 65. The hills are gorgeous and it just doesn't get any better than this. Just as I say that to the Hot Rod photographer, we come upon a really bad car wreck. I see what looks like a Chevy Corsica or Beretta with both ends caved in. Across the road is a car that I can't identify anymore and up the road about 50 yards is a '56 Pontiac that I noticed two dayd ago because it was so perfect. The once beautiful ride is crushed. The driver's wife has been taken to the hospital but she'll be OK. Turns out that a woman was in the left-turn lane and another woman who was looking at all the cool hot rods plowed into her at speed. The first car was shoved across the road and into the Pontiac which happened to be going by at that exact moment. It gets me fired up when the news talks about hot rodders being a problem. During the week I was on the Power Tour I never drove safer. OK, so forget about the 83 with a trailer. Hot rodders actually drive -- that's the point. We're not on the phone because we can't hear the phone and we're paying attention to the road because we don't want civilians to crash into us while they're reading the paper in the fast lane. Hot rodders are just better drivers, period. Who do you want to drive next to, the guy with the irreplaceable big-block Corvette, or the VW driver on a 189-dollar-a-month lease? I know who's paying more attention to the road. (end quote) Even for those of us that drive our cars daily (maybe we are on the phone -- not me) but you still can't be careful enough. A few years ago, a buddy of mine with a 4dr '65 Imperial was driving when a new truck pulled out in front of him ... Slight grill and fender damage on the Imperial, the truck was totalled. Paul '65 Imperial Crown Coupe - Mauve Metallic/Black Plum/Persian White __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - You care about security. So do we. http://promotions.yahoo.com/new_mail ----------------- http://www.imperialclub.com ----------------- This message was sent to you by the Imperial Mailing List. Please reply to mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and your response will be shared with everyone. Private messages (and attachments) for the Administrators should be sent to webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To UN-SUBSCRIBE, go to http://imperialclub.com/unsubscribe.htm
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