As I recall, the '65 and '66 radio option was either an AM radio with search tune and foot switch, or an AM/FM radio without search tune and floor switch. Reverb was available for both. Paul In an email dated Sun, 20 3 2005 5:15:58 pm GMT, "Don Savard" <res03r3f@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes: >Chris, > ?If you have an AM/FM radio they can be reconditioned/rebuilt. A local guy does it here for about $350.00. > Don > ?----- Original Message ----- > ?From: Chris "Creesto" Lynch<mailto:creesto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> > ?To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> > ?Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2005 8:37 AM > ?Subject: Re: IML: Bill Ulman's Excellent Adventure > > > ?A couple of questions for Bill and Kenyon. > > ?Bill: Nice. Didn't grab an extra parts for the rest of us '66 owners? You > ?can stop your gloating ennnnnytime, Bill. > > ?BTW, you didn't mention what sort of vehicle Ruth owned that you were > ?coveting. > > ?But the big question is this: Kenyon, have you posted anything on the site > ?about this wired-on wheel cover safety feature and with a pic of the tool in > ?question? Many of us '66 owners would benefit I'm sure, but I don't recall > ?hearing about this before. > > ?Bill, you sounded very wound up from your road trip. Again, I bemoan the > ?fact that I live in the dead center of the Midwest and cannot travel to the > ?West Coast, aka Xanadu for Imperials. > > ?And I'm still looking for a DECENT foot switch-activated Am/FM radio for my > ?'66 Imperial Crown Coupe. > > ?Cheers! > > ?creesto > > ?> From: "Wm. R. Ulman" <twolaneblacktop@xxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:twolaneblacktop@xxxxxxxxxxx>> > ?> Subject: IML: Kenyon Wills visit, and the Imperial parts Nirvana experience > ?> Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2005 02:12:58 -0800 > ?> Reply-To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> > ?> This is a multi-part message in MIME format. > ?> > ?> I was down in San Francisco last week visiting my Mom, and seeing = > ?> friends. I > ?> contacted Kenyon to see if we could get together to meet, and talk > ?> Imperials. > > ?> When we got to "Doc's" I was amazed at the rows, upon rows of engines, > ?> scattered varied parts, but most of all, the "Texas Chain Saw Massacre" = > ?> barn > ?> full cobwebs, spiders, and several of any one part anyone could ever = > ?> need > ?> for an Imperial! ?I found 3 '66 hubcaps within the virtual mountain of > ?> '66-'69 style caps, and Kenyon threw in 3 extra earlier year caps that = > ?> had > ?> perfectly good retaining rings on them so I might figure out a way to > ?> replace the destroyed ones on what are otherwise perfectly presentable = > ?> caps > ?> that had flown off Doris at earlier dates, and been run over. ?The caps = > ?> are > ?> all fine, but the retaining rings were mangled beyond any hope. ?Now, = > ?> how to > ?> replace the retaining rings on the '66 caps I did salvage from the side = > ?> of > ?> the road? ?It appears the backings are, for lack of better description, > ?> "Crimped" onto the hubcap, at least around the outer perimeter. ?That = > ?> would > ?> need to be folded back, ring replaced, and re-crimped to be successful. > ?> Kenyon came up with a "slice, and weld" solution that could very = > ?> possibly > ?> work, but would be expensive, I'm sure. ?Although, with the scarcity of > ?> these caps these days, it may just be worth it to have a reserve stash = > ?> of > ?> the 20 lb. projectile killer hubcaps on hand. ?Is that Honda in the next > ?> lane with the big Kazoo "Muffler" getting on your nerves? ?Well, with = > ?> just > ?> the proper pothole, you can dislodge a '66 hubcap smack into the Honda, = > ?> and > ?> totaling it ?Pull over, retrieve said hubcap from the flaming wreckage, = > ?> and > ?> scamper away. ?If anyone sees you, they will surely report your car as = > ?> an > ?> Impala, and you will never get caught. =20 > ?> =20 > ?> Kenyon also showed me a way to wire the caps on so as they would not be = > ?> able > ?> to fly off. ?Very ingenious, and involves a nifty tool Kenyon had in his > ?> garage, I forget what he called it, but it was a twisting = > ?> wrench/grip/wire > ?> spinner type of deal some guy in Pomona (where the proverbial Pimp in my > ?> previous posts is from) designed while drunk one night, and made his = > ?> million > ?> on patenting, and marketing. =20 > ?> =20 > ?> The only casualty was a Black Widow spider who had taken up residence in = > ?> one > ?> of the '66 caps, and as I was holding it, she was moving quickly to let = > ?> me > ?> know her position on my dislodgement of her home. ?A quick shake of the = > ?> arm, > ?> while releasing the said hubcap as quickly as humanly possible from my = > ?> hand > ?> was all that needed to dislodge her from her home, the cap, and Liz, > ?> Kenyon's girlfriends quick stomp of her foot, sent the BW to "The = > ?> promised > ?> land". > ?> =20 > ?> Upon my arrival back at my Mom's apt., I struck a deal with her. ?Let me > ?> clean the caps up in her tub, and I would ?scour the whole thing, wall = > ?> tiles > ?> and all. ?After assuring her the dislodged buildup of years worth of = > ?> dirt, > ?> and weed debris (from the caps, not my Mom's tub) ?would in fact NOT = > ?> clog > ?> up, and utter useless, the San Francisco Municipal Sewer System, I was > ?> permitted to proceed. ?My Mom was so happy with her shower/tub cleaning, = > ?> and > ?> that the S.F. sewer system was well equipped to accommodate the sheer = > ?> volume > ?> of dirt it was subjected to in such a short period of time, she shipped = > ?> the > ?> 6 caps to me gratis. > ?> =20 > ?> Kenyon was a swell host, a lot of fun to talk to, and I got to see up = > ?> close > ?> and personal the differences in the lines between a '70 Imperial, and a = > ?> '73. > ?> Both fine cars in style, but I will go with the '70 as my personal = > ?> choice. > ?> Although with the bumper extensions on the '73, making it the largest = > ?> Post > ?> WWII production car is an appealing thought, and they are quite = > ?> striking. > ?> At least the 4dr is. ?More so than the coupe, which I prefer the '69-'71 > ?> version of with it's rounded rear quarter windows, rather then the = > ?> '72-'73 > ?> coupes squared quarter window. ?That is merely a personal preference, as = > ?> all > ?> Imperials are beautiful in their own rights. > ?> =20 > ?> In summary, if you want a part for your car, and would care to meet a = > ?> very > ?> nice fellow Imperialist who is just genuinely trying to help all these > ?> parts, and supplies get good homes before they are all sent en-mass to = > ?> the > ?> county dump, contact Kenyon, and go for a drive to Hal David/Burt > ?> Bacharach/Dionne Warwick land. ?Hum the tune while traveling. > ?> =20 > ?> Bill Ulman > ?> Seattle, WA =20 > ?> '66 Crown Convertible Coupe - Doris Day > ?> WA State vanity plates: ?FIT4AQN > > > > ?----------------- ?<> ?----------------- > ?This message was sent to you by the Imperial Mailing List. 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