The 1960 Imperial was very unique, but actually it is the begining of the line of cars that included the '61, '62, &'63 models. There are panels that will interchange between all three years such as the doors and the trunk lid. The chrome and stainless trim was changed several times during this four year run. Some of it will interchange and some of it won't. An example of this would be the roof moldings with can be used between 1960 and 1961, but there was no such trim on the '62 model, and the roof design of the '63 was altogether different. Oddly, the door windows in '63 were redesigned and will interchange with '64 through '66 on four door cars. I don't know about the two door models or convertible. I am sure that others will chime in on this. Surprising as it may seem, 1960 was the beginning of a four year model run. Paul W. In an email dated 22/5/2005 4:03:41 am GMT Daylight time, "Greg and Russell" <65luxuryliner@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes: >With all the recent postings regarding the 1960 Imperial, I'd like to ask the List why was this striking car a one year only design? ?If this has been discussed before, my apologies for asking. ?I'm curious as to why Chrysler would have gone to the trouble and expense of tooling up for a car whose bodystyle would only last one year. ?Was any of the sheetmetal interchangeable with the '59 or '61? > >Greg McDonnell >'65 Crown convertible > ----------------- ----------------- This message was sent to you by the Imperial Mailing List. Please reply to mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and your response will be shared with everyone. Private messages (and attachments) for the Administrators should be sent to webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To UN-SUBSCRIBE, go to
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