RE: IML: 60 radio gremlins/gutting radio/vivid memory
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RE: IML: 60 radio gremlins/gutting radio/vivid memory

The retrofit of new parts inside the old case to modernize the original radio is a good alternative. 

In this case, though, I would object since the 1960 Imperial radio was the pinnacle of quality am-radio reception. Barring expensive in car stereo equipment, and when working correctly, these radios sound 100 times better than any all tube radio that preceeded them, and much more rich and realistic than any all transistor car radio that came later.  

I remember my dad driving me to Ascot Park in Los Angeles to watch motor cycle races on summer Friday nights in our '60 Imperial. On the way, he would play the radio to hear the local baseball games. I can still hear Vince Scully's (spelling???) voice describing Don Drysdale's victory plays with vivid realism. His voice could vibrate the seats in the car. On the way home, Johnny Crawford would sing his hit "Rumours", or Edith Piaf would belt out her version of "Milord" installing permant lifetime memories.

Gee, I am sure glad that I still have that car! Those days may be gone, but if I close my eyes and try real hard, I can almost recreate those nights over 40 years ago.

Paul W.

 In an email dated 11/6/2005 4:36:28 pm GMT Daylight time, "Ken Lang" <ken@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

>Radio Shack does offer a contact cleaner suited for this purpose. ?Find it
>315> &product%5Fid=64-4315
>But as mention in another response, that may not be the entire problem. ?You
>may still need to search for someone who does work on vintage radio
>equipment. ?It's been awhile since I looked around on line for anything like
>that but I recall finding a few places that would or could restore classic
>car radios.
>There are other places that take the old radio and replace the insides with
>modern components while maintaining the exterior look and functionality.
>While that's not a good solution for the purest, it does restore
>functionality to the radio while keeping the classic look.
>Hope that helps.
> ?_____ ?
>From: mailing-list-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>[mailto:mailing-list-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of imperialman
>Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2005 8:07 AM
>To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Re: IML: 60 radio gremlins
>Yes I forgot to mention that when the volume comes back to normal (as I
>touch the knob) there is also lots of static.
> Is this cleaner available from Radio Shack?
> ? ? ? Thanks
> ? ? ? Clay
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: Ken Lang <mailto:ken@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> ?
>To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
>Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2005 9:32 AM
>Subject: RE: IML: 60 radio gremlins
>When you adjust the radio volume normally, is there a static like crackling
>noise as you move the volume control? ?If so it just means the volume
>potentiometer (pot) is dirty. ?A good blast of contact cleaner will usually
>clear this up. ?The problem is getting the contact cleaner into the pot.
>After removing the knobs from the shaft you might be successful spraying
>along the edge of the shaft and hopefully get enough into the pot to clear
>up the problem. ?Otherwise you will need to remove the radio to gain better
>access to clean it.
>67 Crown Imperial
>69 Satellite
>63 Power Wagon
>01 Durango
>01 300 M
>04 Ram 2500
> ?_____ ?
>From: mailing-list-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>[mailto:mailing-list-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of imperialman
>Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2005 7:17 AM
>To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: IML: 60 radio gremlins
>Greetings everyone.
>My 60 Custom's otherwise great sounding radio has developed a problem.
> Every so often the volume ?will start to fade on its own until I reach up
>and touch the on-off volume knob.
> Then the volume will most always come back to normal .
> Sometimes I have to do this three or four times before the volume will stay
> Could it be an antenna problem?
> Its hard to listen to Minnesota Twins baseball in glorious AM with
>fluctuating volume!
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Clay Smith
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?60 Custom (concert hall sound with front and rear
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?67 Crown Coupe( also has AM radio with front and
>rear speakers)
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

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