From: "mike and linda sutton" <mikanlin62@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2005 12:04:26 -0700
Well theres tons of degrees on the " right " way, the " best" way and all to
do this. If the cranks not grooved too deeply and you can rotate it down to
get access by all means polish it. Ive had great luck attaching abrasive
material such as emery cloth to an old leather belt and using that to polish
the journal. The only danger to that is polishing too much in one area, but
its doubtful youre going to seriously out of round the thing. The hardening
should be deeper than the depth youre polishing so that shouldnt be a huge
My concerns...getting ALL and I mean ALL of the abrasive out of there
afterwards. Secondly, if the cap bolt broke on the rod, the rod big end
would be suspect to me. If theres not enough bearing crush to hold the new
bearing in, its going to fail again. The rod is the potentially worst
thing here , if the large end is out of round or the thing has bent or
Good luck,
62 Crown Coupe
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