Re: IML: Anybody know David Struck?
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Re: IML: Anybody know David Struck?

Baseline Automotive 
29826 West 8 Mile Road, Farmington Hills, MI 48336 
(248) 888-9215 
Try him at the above phone number. I am sure he is the
same person. Regards, Bill Adams
1961 Lebaron, black and in the paint shop...

--- Randy Martin <thegreatimperialist@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> Dick,
> If this car were in California, I wouldn't spend the
> time looking for the original Title.  I would just
> proceed as if no Title existed.  In CA, that means
> the current owner fills out a form certifying that
> the original Title was lost, stolen or destroyed and
> signs it to release his/her interest in the vehicle.
>  The opposite side of the same form is where the new
> owner requests transfer and issuance of a new Title.
>  There is, of course, a small fee for this but it
> sure beats trying to find a Title across state lines
> and years gone by.  I am sure PA has some similar
> methodology for dealing with lost Titles.? 
> Randy
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: Richard
> Woodside<mailto:rwoodside@xxxxxxxxxx> 
>   To:
>   Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2005 8:53 PM
>   Subject: IML: Anybody know David Struck?
>   Well, here's an interesting twist in a continuing
> saga.
>   Several years ago, IMLer Carmine, from Detroit,
> was transferred to Phoenix, and started to send some
> nice old Mopars back to the rust belt from whence
> they originated.  One of those was a 1968 Imperial
> Crown Coupe, in Mist Turquoise with a black full
> vinyl top.  Carmine managed to sell it before I
> could snag the car, and I've been looking for
> something similar ever since.  Two years ago, I
> bought IMLer Carl Geffken's red 68 Imp Convertible,
> but I passed on his offer to sell me his Haze Green
> (is it safe to use that phrase now?) 68 Sedan,
> despite its great condition, because I longed for
> that turquoise coupe that Carmine had sold.
>   Flash forward to a few days ago. I went to
> Pittsburgh to see a turquoise 68 Crown Coupe. It's
> in nice enough shape that I persuaded myself that it
> HAS to be the same car that Carmine sold a few years
> back. I was going to ask him privately for the VIN
> to confirm, as well as who he sold it to, until this
> unusual problem arose.
>   My Pittsburgh seller has sent me a copy of the
> title for the Imperial. It is plainly for a 1968
> Newport Convertible. The seller can't figure out how
> they managed to keep the title for the 68 Newport
> that they traded to David Struck in Detroit, when
> they traded that car for the 68 Imp.  The seller
> asked me to help him find David Struck to sort out
> this error, so, here goes:
>   Does anybody know David Struck? 
>   I've checked<> and
> forwarded the three possibilities to the Pittsburgh
> seller to follow up, but it would be pretty nifty if
> the IML could turn up Mr. Struck directly.
>   Also, of course, if Carmine is out there, I'd sure
> be interested to learn the VIN of Carmine's 68
> coupe, and the details of the guy who bought it from
> him.
>   Dick Woodside

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