Eric Portland, Oregon _________________________________________________________________ The mighty 71 four-door (440) refuses to bend to repair attempts. The shop and I have spent a lot of time on this, but no soap. The mechanic I'm using is an older guy who is quite familiar with old carburetted cars. Though clearly not a brilliant diagnostician, he's solved a number of other problems on the car. The symptoms: From a standing start or from coasting at 0 to about 5 mph, flooring the accelerator results in "backfire" popping out the top of the carb, stalling or almost stalling. A slower, more gradual acceleration does not show this problem. Also, car surges or bucks intermittently on hard acceleration from a stop under a load, as in accelerating up a normal freeway onramp leading to an elevated road. In the last month or so, new plugs, spark plug wires and electronic distributor (mopar performance) have all been fitted. Scopes both in shop and onboard show normal electrical performance. Timing is perhaps 5 or 8 degrees retarded. Aside from this problem, runs fine on 87 octane regular. I also frequently run 91 octane premium. Carb (Carter, not a thermoquad) was just rebuilt, with a new accelerator pump done twice, with no improvement. The shop found a service bulletin in an old 69-72 Mitchells book which described a similar problem and gave a solution of re-boring some holes in the carb and changing some of the metering needles. Carb shop did this per the service bulletin, to no effect. Mufflers and resonators are new. Has anyone solved a problem like this? Do I have to buy a modern carb?
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