In hot weather that is normal. On more modern cars there is an overflow tank with the ability to recapture lost coolant when the engine cools. On the older models with no coolant recovery system, the coolant spews out through the overflow tube onto the ground. As a result, any lost coolant is gone forever which is why it is important on the older cars to check the radiator's coolant level (should be just below the fill tube and cover all cores). If you feel it is happening too often check the radiator cap. They are set to release at a certain pressure but as the years go by they tend to open at lower pressures. Bill Vancouver, BC ----- Original Message ----- From: mad4cars@xxxxxxx To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 7:53 AM Subject: Re: IML: slight over flow from Radiator 66 Imperial Guys my 66 Imp after driving a while and parking there is a smell of steam and then a little over flow.. hasnt overheated or Pinged but this is a few times its done this .. any suggestions? ----------------- ----------------- This message was sent to you by the Imperial Mailing List. Please reply to mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and your response will be shared with everyone. Private messages (and attachments) for the Administrators should be sent to webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To UN-SUBSCRIBE, go to
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