This has been discussed here before. The key must be the "individual temperature regulation" of front and rear compartments. Dual air conditioned Imperials are rare, but not that rare. I have seen at least eleven 1967 Imperial LeBarons equipped with dual air, but NONE with individual temperature regulation. My mother's '68 LeBaron has dual air, but not individual temperature regulation. If there were only 19 '67 LeBarons with dual air, then how on earth could 11 of them have passed through Seattle? Dual air was offered on Imperials for many years, and is seen somewhat often. Jeff Godshall is human and could easily have made a mistake. That magazine is caught with mistakes quite often. Maybe our friend Bill Watson can tell us how many '67 Imperials were built with dual air conditoning...Bill? Paul W. In an email dated 5/10/2005 1:55:19 am GMT Daylight time, "Jason Beinbrech" <jmbeinbrech@xxxxxxxxx> writes: >Hello folks, >I have knowledge as to the fact there were only 19 -1967 Imperial Le Baron's with dual air. According to Jeffery I. Godshall in his article titled"1967-68 Imperial: All Dressed Up and No Place To Go" in Collectible Automobile October 2002, it states such as .." A dual -unit air conditioner, permitting individual temperature regulation for front and rear compartments, was also available, though only 19 cars were so equipped, making it the rarest 1967 option." >I don't believe a magazine such as this would make up something and print it or they would be liable for such. > >Jason Beinbrech > ----------------- ----------------- This message was sent to you by the Imperial Mailing List. Please reply to mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and your response will be shared with everyone. Private messages (and attachments) for the Administrators should be sent to webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To UN-SUBSCRIBE, go to
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