Re: IML: Imperial Heaven/autobox problems 1960 crown
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Re: IML: Imperial Heaven/autobox problems 1960 crown

Hi all, I have been trying to find a trans oil leak on my 58 crown coupe,
The oil level seemed all over the place & so was the oil, I couldn't see where exactly how it got all over pan & level tube.
The other strange thing is it looked like it was also running down LH chassis rail & soaking the steering idler bush (now buggered).
So I kept on washing down all areas & filling only for it to dump all its new oil, hmmmm
So , I gave this alot of thought, hmmmm, the trans behaved like it had no oil, shudder in 1st & R on take off & sometimes no top, hmmmm.
I then set up the car way up off the ground & simulated a drive from stone cold , then even before I could get under the car it dumped about a cup of oil , hmmmmm.
After studying the pattern & looking at the design of? the filler tube I came to the conclusion THE BLOODY BREATHER WAS BLOCKED.
The expansion of the oil & temp blew all the oil out of the sump up the tube because its below the normal level !!!!!
I managed to pry the cap off the breather on top of the tail housing & poke a thin screw driver in the hole till I could feel the?gasket & then pushed a bit more & burst threw,
wriggled it around, FIXED.
I suspect the?gasket between the main & tail housing has had the vent hole in the?gasket omitted for some reason, ???
Now I have no leaks , can tell if level is correct, & best of all trans shifts & behaves perfectly, I was expecting to have to rebuild it but could not get a kit for it here in
A trap for young players, I hope this story helps some one who might just have the same gasket.
Thanks , Peter J. Baikie.

On 09/11/2005, at 12:08 AM, Mike Becker wrote:

The part that wears out in the pump,?is the pump bushing it's a very inexspenive part, in itself. but that usually means its time for everything else to be looked at antway

richard burgess <lecrown60@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I had the same problems in my '60 LeBaron.? Turns out the internal fluid pump was shot, that's why it?takes so long to go into gear after starting.? My car was also dumping all its fluid due to the?seal at the torque converter being worn out.? Involves rebuilding the torque converter.? I guess that at least lets you know what you?are in for.? I had to have mine rebuilt because in the first 15 minutes of driving it would keep going out of gear, slipping into neutral, at stop lights.? I believe due in part to the pump as it would be fine after the 15 minutes.? Be sure to find a reputable shop.? Also, I replaced my torque converter with that from another car and had vibration problems.? I have been told that on these cars the torque converter was balanced at the factory to the crank shaft.? Now I am having to have the original rebuilt and the trans dropped again.? Has anyone ever heard about this before?
Richard Burgess
'60 Crown sedan
'60 LeBaron sedan?

stephen dilley <stephendilley@xxxxxxx> wrote:
i would like to add that bob h is a man of his word and i recommend him as
a parts dealer anytime.

also if any one knows where i can order a rebuild kit for my 1960crown
413cin auto-box i would be gratefull. at present she is loseing lots of
fluid from around the bell housing ,and slow to engage drive also some
movement in neutral??? any advice welcome.

best wishes, steve.

>From: RandalPark@xxxxxxx
>Reply-To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Re: IML: Imperial Heaven
>Date: Sun, 06 Nov 2005 22:33:31 -0500
>I am glad that Imperial Heaven has been parting these cars out. I have
>tried to save as many as I can. I can't really handle any more than 8. Bob
>H.'s cars help the rest of us keep ours going. I am sure that he doesn't
>part out any that would be considered cream puffs, or even some that most
>of us wouldn't want to bother with.
>I once knew a man who bought every Imperial that came for sale between the
>years 1975 and 1982. He even knocked on the doors of people who had
>Imperials parked in front of their houses. He bought over 200 of them,
>cheap. They were all between 1960 and 1966. He planed to keep them as an
>investment, but when his "investment" didn't take off, he bailed on the
>Imperials. NONE of them were parted out. About five cars were sold to
>collectors. The rest were sent directly to the crusher, and sold as scrap
>metal. He got about ten cents for each dollar he had spent. Because of his
>buying spree, there were NO Imperials in parts lots around here for about
>ten years. He had purchased and then crushed everyone that would have ended
>its useful life in a bone yard, and helped us Seattlites w/ parts for our
>Imperials for years to come.
>Many of us have seen or heard other stories just as bad. Bob H. is here to
>help us all. He has offered any of his cars to us for restoration, if any
>of us want one of them that way. Personally, I plan to leave Bob's cars
>where they are. That way when I need something, I can order it from him,
>and do business with/help someone who has been there for us over and over
>again. I prefer to business with him and the other vendors involved w/ the
>OIC than local wrecking yards any day.
>Paul W.
>In an email dated Mon, 7 11 2005 1:27:18 am GMT, "Bob"
> >Vince. and club.
> >Any of my imperials are always for sale. ?I have over ?100 to choose
> >And I always face the decision of, ?is this car for parts or to restore.
> >anyone would want one i have to restore. Iam always open. ?Just send me a
> >e-mail. ?Iam willing to work a deal.
> >THANKS ?Bob H
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: "M Turner"
> >To:
> >Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2005 2:09 PM
> >Subject: Re: IML: 1962-3 four dr power window motor ..
> >
> >
> >> Hello, Rodger & Gabby.
> >>
> >> Thank you for this info. ?I sent a message to Bob H about buying a
> >and
> >> bracket from. ?Bob has a LOT of older model Imperials in his yard. ?It
> >would
> >> be wonderful to see some of those resurrected before they are totally
> >lost.
> >>
> >> Vince in Boston
> >>
> >> ----- Original Message -----
> >> From:
> >> To:
> >> Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2005 11:58 AM
> >> Subject: Re: IML: 1962-3 four dr power window motor ..
> >>
> >>
> >> > Vince
> >> >
> >> > Just so that you know your vehicle the following is for you. ?The 62
> >> > 63
> >> > four door's are the same part. ?The trim level or entry level of the
> >year
> >> > is
> >> > not needed in this case.
> >> >
> >> > ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Rodger & Gabby
> >> > ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Colo Spgs
> >> >
> >> > '47 De Soto Custom w/Fluid Drive & passenger door mounted swamp
> >> > '62 Crown Coupe w/std A/C & Auto-Pilot
> >> > '66 Le Baron w/dual A/C & reverbed AM/FM
> >> > '70 Overlander - InterNational Dbl
> >> > '77 D150 w/360, NP 4 Spd, 12 Bolt Axle, OEM Buckets & etc
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > ----------------- ? ?-----------------
> >> > This message was sent to you by the Imperial Mailing List. Please
> >> > reply to mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and your response will be
> >> > shared with everyone. Private messages (and attachments) for the
> >> > Administrators should be sent to webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >> > To UN-SUBSCRIBE, go to
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> ----------------- ? ?-----------------
> >> This message was sent to you by the Imperial Mailing List. Please
> >> reply to mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and your response will be
> >> shared with everyone. Private messages (and attachments) for the
> >> Administrators should be sent to webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >----------------- ? ?-----------------
> >This message was sent to you by the Imperial Mailing List. Please
> >reply to mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and your response will be
> >shared with everyone. Private messages (and attachments) for the
> >Administrators should be sent to webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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> >
> >
>----------------- -----------------
>This message was sent to you by the Imperial Mailing List. Please
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Mike Becker
Imperial-less in afghanistan

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