Try Parts Express
These guys have all things electronic at a good price and I am sure that you can get an 8 ohn speaker for you application.
----- Original Message -----
From: RandalPark@xxxxxxx
To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: IML: 65 Crown Speakers: 4 OHM Compatible with 8 OHM Radio???
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 01:57:02 -0500
You will fry the 8 ohm radio using the 4 ohm
speaker, unless you hook it up to another 4 ohm
speaker in series. Two 4 ohm speakers in
parallel makes 2 ohms (that will really blow up
your radio). Two 4 ohm speakers in series makes
8 ohms.
My understanding is (and practical experience
so far indicates) that it is okay to use an 8
ohm speaker if the radio can handle a 4 ohm
speaker, but it isn't okay to do it the other
way around. You might get away with a 6 ohm
speaker, but that isn't a good idea either.
Having said all of that, I haven't ever known
for sure what ohm speakers the radio in my '65
Imperial has. Its speakers are still the
originals. I am assuming that you have
established that this radio should came with an
8 ohm speaker.
Paul W.
In an email dated Tue, 15 11 2005 5:39:50 am
GMT, Christian Walter
> Hello Everyone---
> I'm trying to replace the front speaker on my Model
> 367 Mopar AM/FM radio. I can't locate an 8 OHM speaker
> for the replacement as all shops in my area only carry
> 4 OHM in that size (It's a 7" but I'm going to use a
> 6.5" with an adapter plate). I went to our
> Imperial website and did my research.
> Unfortunately, the advice on the site ranged from "4
> through 16 doesn't matter." to "You WILL
> damage your radio if you use a 4 OHM speaker with your
> 8 OHM radio."
> Which to believe? 1) Will I fry the stock radio by installing the 4 OHM
> speaker? Or 2) Will the 4 OHM work just fine with no real impact
> on my stock radio?
> I greatly appreciate any advice!
> Thanks...
> Modesto, CA
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