For about the same amout of money as a "six pack" you can put fuel injection onto a 440. This may not be readily detectable and is a much better option.
However, the person wanting the six pack probably wants it to be readily detectable.
----- Original Message -----
From: mopar413@xxxxxxxxxxx
To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: IML: 72 440 Block
Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2005 22:28:22 -0500
Any 440 can handle a six pak if it is not wore out.>
> From: "Robert Weldon"
> Date: 2005/11/20 Sun PM 05:00:37 EST
> To:
> Subject: IML: 72 440 Block
> I have a guy interested in my 72 Imperial,
> however he wants to put a six pack system on
> it (don't ask). Anyway, apparently there is
> some question on if the 440 block in this car
> can take the six pack manifold. Is there
> some way to confirm this, or can anybody
> comment on this. Also, he wants me to get
> the serial number off the block, were would I
> find this, I have looked around but haven't
> been able to find it.
> Thanks
> Robert Weldon
> 72 Imperial Lebaron 2 dr (for sale)
> 68 Newport Conv.
> 92 Lebaron Conv.
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