I have removed the stainless trim from around the wrap-around rear window on my '56 4 Door Southampton. If the two door is the same or similar, the trim is held on by the two upper corner curved pieces on either side. These two parts slide into the rubber, and then "snap" into place with the other trim to interlock, and hold it all together. There may be a lower center locking clip with a stud going through the body like in '55. If there is, this would be obvious, and have to be removed first. The rest of the trim simply slides into place in the rubber. I hope that this is helpful. Paul W. In an email dated Sun, 27 11 2005 2:14:04 am GMT, Timothy Hulse <t.hulse@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes: >I am going to be removing the ss trim around the rear window soon for sanding. There is the ss trim the attaches with clips and then there is the ss trim that goes around on the rear window rubber. How does the ss ? on the window rubber attach? Will I be able to put it back on with out taking the glass out? All input on this will be appreciated. > >Thanks >Tim >Bakersfield CA >1956 Imperial 2-Door Southampton > ----------------- http://www.imperialclub.com ----------------- This message was sent to you by the Imperial Mailing List. Please reply to mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and your response will be shared with everyone. Private messages (and attachments) for the Administrators should be sent to webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To UN-SUBSCRIBE, go to http://imperialclub.com/unsubscribe.htm