Re: IML: Imperial Concept
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Re: IML: Imperial Concept

I looked at the photos of the 'Chrysler Imperial' (why do the designers feel it is so important to put the two words together?) last night and posted my comments about the car. Figured I'd sleep on it and maybe in the morning when I was fresh from a night's rest, I might see things a little differently. Unfortunately I still am unimpressed and almost repulsed by the photos I see in the article. The 'modern Chrysler designers' (lifted right out of the copy) have done their level best(?) to replicate a Rolls on a (stretched?) 300C platform! Where's the imagination and creativity? If Chrysler's modern designers can imagine, create and actually build a prototype that is as jaw-dropping as the Chronos, why are they stuck in first gear with this mundane, should I say it, cartoonish(those 22" wheels are ridiculous!) concept of an Imperial?

To say I'm disappointed is a huge understatement! And as far as holding out much hope of it being changed prior to going into production, I've seen photos of the Magnum concept car and the production version (2005) is just about a dead ringer for it! There were a few small details that didn't make it to the '05 production version but for the most part, the R/T I have sitting in my garage and the concept vehicle could be twins (at least fraternal). My guess is those 'modern Chrysler designers' who hatched this egg of a vehicle have patted themselves on their backs and are mighty proud of their 'creation'. What a shame when there was so much they COULD have done to make it uniquely Imperial!

Greg McDonnell

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