However, what about the non-specific year e-mails that may be of
interest to everyone??? How would those be filtered??
Abe Mantell
Two 1981 Imperials (down from 5!!!) :-(
<-----Original Message----->
>From: anthony romano
>Sent: 6/14/2006 4:44:10 PM
>To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Re: IML: individual year groups
>I agree! If we could sign up for the years we want to receive by e-mail than
>we wouldn't have to filter it out for ourselves. If you want yrs. 60-69 0r
>90-93 than you merely sign up when registering. Pretty simply. And you
>should be able to add or subtract anytime-Anthony
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "bob smith"
>Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2006 12:41 PM
>Subject: Re: IML: individual year groups
>> that is something i have a problem with also. it is
>> fustrating to see so many emails that do not apply to
>> me or are not what i am looking for!!!
>> --- jesse barboza wrote:
>>> i was thinking that maybe do to the vast varety of
>>> years in the mailing list i was thinking that it
>>> might be more effective to have individual groups.
>>> like 1950-1959 and 1960-to1969 ect. and having
>>> seperate mailing list for each decade not to exclude
>>> anyone but just to make things a bit more uniform i
>>> mean personaly i find it a bit troubling having to
>>> sort through a couple hundred emails only to find 8
>>> or 10 that actually apply to my year get reply if u
>>> agree or hav any comments
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