Power brake booster trouble should not cause the pedal to go to the floor. DO NOT drive your car until you figure out the problem and fix it. The master cylinder could be failing, or the brakes may be severely out of adjustment, although there would be no pedal on quick stops either if that was the case. As you suggest, there may be air in the lines, meaning they must be bled. I am assuming that the first thing you did was check the fluid level. The booster can be rebuilt if needed, but again, that is not likely the cause of this trouble.Paul W.
-----Original Message-----
From: Hoppa, Anthony L. <ALHoppa@xxxxxxxx>
To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Wed, 5 Jul 2006 10:27:52 -0500
Subject: IML: 1965 Imperial - Brake Trouble
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My '65 Crown developed a brake fade issue. The peddle goes to the floor, but can be pumped up. Most times on the first push of the pedal, like a hard or quick stop, the brakes are fine, no grinding, stops great. But, if I let off the brake pedal a bit and push again, it goes to the floor. This is most noticeable when I am pulling into the garage, kind of holding pressure on the pedal, idling in, then, pedal to the floor, no brakes, so I have to quick pump it to avoid hitting the work bench. Same for easing up to stop lights.I have no fluid leaks, and the reservoir is full. It feels like air in the lines, but I'm not sure how that could be if I haven't disconnected anything. I am hoping it's not the power brake booster, how can I check that? And, can they be rebuilt? Purchased? Thanks.Tony Hoppa
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