Hi all -I always thought the Ghia Dart was a fantastic car - look for photos to see the full fins and retractable hardtop - and changing it to the Diablo was a big mistake. I liked the Dart so much that I've thought of having one made...probably a small fraction of this asking price.
Bob At 09:47 AM 9/3/2006, you wrote:
> Anyone got a few million laying around for this > sweet ride? > > http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1956-1957-Chrysler-Diablo-Concept-Prototype-Dream-car_W0QQitemZ260026989398QQihZ016QQcategoryZ6181QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem > > > Ebay No. 260026989398 > > Starting bid is $1,800,000.00. If only it wasn't red!
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