----- Original Message -----
From: "Matthew Gill"
To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: IML: 81 shifting issues
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2006 22:37:25 -0700
Ok, i've put more fluid in the trans, and it's
dead center in the OK mark, so i'm good to go
as far as that goes. Now, the trans shifts
very smooth, but also very LATE.. also, when
it's down-shifting (after i take my foot off
the gas) i hear a quiet "thud" from the rear
end, and also feel it, slightly. Also, whenever
i shift into reverse gear, i always felt the
car shake and make quite a loud THUD noise.
After adding more fluid to the trans and
driving it around a bit, putting it in reverse
no longer makes the car shake, at least not
NEARLY as badly, just a quiet little thud and
you'd feel the slightest shake, it seemed a
lot more normal.
I think i need some adjustments to both the
trans, and probably the rear end.. at least
this is my assumption so far. I haven't had the
chance to check the rear end fluid, i don't
know if i can unless the car is hoisted up...
What are everyone's thought's on that?
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