Mark,Make sure the brake shoes are backed off as far as possible. There is an adjustment on the back (inside) of the wheel. My next suggestion would be to apply a little heat. Apply it to wheel to allow it to expand while the center of the hub stays cool. While heating keep applying pressure with the puller.
Regards, Ron Mark Battesby wrote:
Hey guys I own a 1961 imperial .I also own a 47 desotto. I have been trying to get the rear hub off the driver side wheel . I bought a heavy duty puller and it wont budge . I have never seen anything like this happen before I even used a 5 foot breaker bar and all I can get is the whole wheel spins slightly . I feel like I am breaking something what should I do
--Let's face it, the number of people around the world in need of a match-grade round between the eyes is on the increase, - Tony Woodlief
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