Good information, this I will try, thank you all.
Jay D'Angelo
> From: stadtapoachern@xxxxxxxxxxx
> To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: IML: AW: Remove/reinstall 1959-66 (and other?) windscreens yourself. SOOO EASY.
> Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2006 20:10:28 +0100
> Here is a picture where and how to open and save the weather-strip
> Dietmar Frensemeyer
> 1960 fds
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: mailing-list-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:mailing-list-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von Kenyon Wills
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 21. Dezember 2006 16:27
> An: IML
> Betreff: IML: Remove/reinstall 1959-66 (and other?) windscreens yourself.
> Jay,
> I'd bet on what you have being great. Unless the car
> was outside in LV for 20 years. The stainless trim
> preserves the rubber very well here in Northern Ca.
> and most other places.
> The gasket on that car is a superior, ingenious design
> that leds itself to being reused. So much so that you
> can open it yourself with a butter knife and see.
> Feeling even the least bit adventurous? Follow
> along:
> Take the stainless trim off. Mostly screws and clips.
> Look on the A pillar section of the gasket for what
> appear to be tiny ribs or a seam.
> On any other rubber, this would be the mold seam, and
> your eye will tell you that it can't be anything but.
> Disregard what you think you see.
> On this thing, it's where two parts of rubber actually
> touch and are squeezed together.
> Gently dig/probe your butter knife into the seam and
> pry it apart. You will have the outside section fold
> out and back. Work all the way around the edge and
> get it open. It's not exactly a zip-loc bag device,
> but that's the closest analogy I can think of.
> When you have that lip up and out of the way, you have
> then opened a path to allow the inner lip to fold up
> 90 degrees, and somewhat under the outer lip so that
> it occupies the space formerly filled by the outer
> lip.
> You can do this with your fingers after a certain
> point, most likely, and the butter knife if not.
> Seriously, if you're under 95 years old and your hands
> work, you're in. Sneak the butter knife out the back
> door when she's not looking - better to get
> forgiveness on this one.
> Fold the inner gasket up and the edge of the glass
> will be visible all the way around. Put a moving
> blanket on the hood. Maybe remove the wipers? (cant
> remember).
> Sit in the car on the front seat with your butt on the
> front edge of the seat. Take your shoes off. Use
> your stocking feet to gently push (not kick!) the
> glass out all the way around. The thing will pop out,
> and if you screw up and crack it further, well, you're
> replacing it, so.....
> Rotate the glass on its bottom edge onto the moving
> blanket and carry away. I used a hammer to knock it
> down so that it would fit in the recycle can that we
> have, and the garbage man took it away and I didn't
> even fill up the regular can with it.
> This is something that you CAN do with 1-2 buddies.
> Glass installation was a black art to me until Jeff
> Ingraham showed me this. So stupidly easy!
> I can find a windscreen gasket if you need one, but
> I'm almost certain that what you have is re-workable.
> Please don't write back to say that the glass place
> used a blade on the rubber and that it's a goner!
> That would be a shame.
> You can get gasket sealing material with a casual
> search. Try the local glass co?
> Installing is pretty much the same thing - clean the
> channel with solvent, put in some sealant, fold down
> the inner lip. fold down the outer lip with your hand
> and use a rubber mallet to clench the thing shut, and
> you're done.
> -K
> --- JAY D'ANGELO <cadij@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > I've decied to replace the windshield on my
> > convertible. Got a great price today of $500 +$100
> > shipping to Las Vegas.Problem is, I can't find the
> > rubber windshield channel molding. Steele doesn't
> > have it and neither does the other sources I
> > contacted. My windshield dealer is also making
> > calls, but they can't find one either.Anyone have
> > any leads? I'm sure that the old one will fall
> > apart when it is removed - doesn't do any good to
> > get a windshield if I can't use it.HELP!Jay
> > D'Angelo64 Iml CvtLas Vegas
> >
> _________________________________________________________________
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> >
> Kenyon Wills
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