I will ship Budd caliper cores to the CALIPERS ONLINE fellow in the coming weeks. That would be in Q1 of 07. They will likely be available thereafter (summer '07?). This company uses a stainless sleeve and asserts that quality is consequently much higher than the products of firms such as Cardone, who do not use SS sleeves and just rehab/reseal the parts. I'd feel better with stainless - can't rot or pit... If you have a 67-69 Imperial, hindsight indicates that having a spare set of calipers, rotors, and at least one set of brake pads squirreled away is a good practice. You may not need them today, but it appears that there will always be a market for them should you regret your decision. I encourage the folks that were tempted by the DuraBrake repro rotors to consider placing an order or getting in line with the Calipers Online company. This will reward the vendor for bothering with an otherwise unobtainable part, and may save your bacon later. Please mention the Imperial Club so that he knows who's being loyal to him. I was surprised to learn that the guy has been actively looking for them on eBay - a redeeming quality regarding this part for our car. He also mentioned that they came on AMX's and one or two other cars. He said that he's got a $400 core charge to "encourage" reurn of the cores, since they're so scarce, so be prepared on that point. -Kenyon __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com ----------------- http://www.imperialclub.com ----------------- This message was sent to you by the Imperial Mailing List. Please reply to mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and your response will be shared with everyone. Private messages (and attachments) for the Administrators should be sent to webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To UN-SUBSCRIBE, go to http://imperialclub.com/unsubscribe.htm
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