IML: 67/68 Imperial Heater Core Replacment
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IML: 67/68 Imperial Heater Core Replacment

Has anyone replaced the heater core on an air-conditioned 67/68? It appears that when Chrysler built this car, the first component they started with was the heater core and then built the rest of the car around it! I have read the service manual, and its 26 simple steps to remove and replace this thing are a bit intimidating (i.e., "Adjust electrical by-pass switch operating arm to have .020 to .060 operating clearance between operating arm and actuator rod." [I can see myself making this adjustment on my back under the dash!]).
I would appreciate any war stories from people who have actually done 
(or maybe just attempted to do) this.  I may let the next owner of this 
car fuss with this.
Ken Miller
61 and 67 Converts
Portland, Oregon

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